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The International School of Paphos (ISOP) has the ability to create accounts for all students to allow for collaborative sharing, based on our custom implementation of Office 365 for These accounts will be used for school-related projects. The rules governing proper electronic communications by students are included in the IT Acceptable Use Policy. Once accounts are assigned, students gain access to the wealth of collaborative tools available through Office 365. However, no student will be assigned an account without parent or guardian consent.

This account is housed on Microsoft servers, thereby giving the student access to Office Online (Word App, Excel App, PowerPoint App, and OneNote App), email, and calendar, website authoring tools, wikis and other additional services. This will allow the student to collaborate with teachers and other students. An Office 365 account is an essential part of ISOP Modern IT plans.

Parents/Guardians have the ability to request full access to their child’s Office 365 account. The accounts will not be able to email anyone outside the ISOP student/teacher community. However, parents can request permission to email their child’s ISOP email account at any time (this will be the only “external” email correspondence allowed).

Students will be assigned an email account. This account will be considered the student’s official ISOP email address until such time as the student is no longer enrolled at ISOP. The naming convention will be the student’s initials and ending with Please note, if a student emails the teacher, that email will go directly to the teacher’s official email account.

Students are responsible for appropriate behaviour just as they are in a traditional school building. It is not acceptable and, in some cases, unlawful to use obscene, profane, threatening, or disrespectful language. Communication with others should always be course related. Students will receive guidance on the appropriate use of emails. Students should notify the teacher of anything inappropriate or that makes them uncomfortable. Bullying will not be tolerated, and the privacy of others must be respected at all times.

The use of Office 365 is considered a privilege accorded at the discretion of The International School of Paphos. The school maintains the right to immediately withdraw the access and use of the account when there is reason to believe that violations have occurred. In such cases, the student will be referred to the Head of Pastoral for further investigation and application of necessary consequences as indicated in the Student Code of Conduct.

ISOP cannot and does not guarantee the security of electronic files located on Microsoft systems. Although Office 365 does have a powerful content filter in place, the school cannot assure that users will not be exposed to non-educational material. ISOP reserves the right to access and review content in Office 365 at any time. ISOP complies with all Cypriot and EU GDPR as well as privacy laws. As with any educational endeavour, we feel that a strong home school partnership is essential for a successful experience. Therefore, we are asking your permission to provide an Office 365 account to your child. Please fill out and return this permission slip to your child’s Form Teacher.

The student Office 365 account will remain in effect until written notice is submitted to the school or the student is no longer enrolled at The International School of Paphos.

Data Protection Statement and Medial/Photography Consent

Personal Data:

The International School of Paphos is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Acts of 2018. The personal data supplied is required for the purposes of:

  • Student enrolment
  • Student registration
  • Allocation of teachers and resources
  • Determining a student’s eligibility for additional learning supports
  • Examinations
  • School administration
  • Child welfare (including medical welfare) and to
  • Fulfil our other legal obligations

School Contacting You:

Please confirm whether you are happy for us to contact you by SMS/text message/email, to call you on the telephone numbers provided and to send you emails for the purposes of:

  • Sports days
  • Parent-teacher meetings
  • School concerts/events
  • To notify you of school closure
  • To notify you of your child’s non-attendance or late attendance or any other issues relating to your child’s conduct in school
  • To communicate with you in relation to your child’s social, emotional and educational progress, and to contact you in the case of an emergency.

While the information provided will generally be treated as private and will be collected and used in compliance with the Data Protection Acts 2018, from time to time it may be necessary for us to transfer your personal data to other bodies (including the Ministry of Education & Culture). We rely on parents/guardians and students to provide us with accurate and complete information; to update us in relation to any change in the information provided. Should you wish to update or access your/your child’s personal data, you should write to the Head of School requesting an Access Request Form.

Data Protection Policy

A copy of the full Data Protection Policy is available from the Admissions team on request, it is important that you and your child read it carefully. When you complete your application, you will be asked to sign that you consent to your data /your child’s data being collected, processed and used in accordance with the Data Protection Policy during the course of their time as a student in the school. Where the student is over 16 years old, they will be asked to sign their consent to this.

Photographs and Digital Images of Students

We may take photographs and video recordings of the children at our school. We may use these images as part of our school displays and sometimes in our school’s prospectus or in other printed publications that we produce. We may also use them as follows:

  • School website
  • Social media platforms
  • Educational use
  • Events and

If we use photographs of individual students, we will not use the name of that child in the accompanying text or photo caption. If we name a student in the text, we will not use a photograph of that child to accompany the article. For example, if a child has won an award and the parent would like the name of their child to accompany their picture, we will obtain additional permission from the parent before using the image.

From time to time, our school may be visited by the media who will take photographs or film footage of an event or celebration. Students will often appear in these images, which may be part of local or national newspapers, websites or on televised news programmes.

To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we need your permission before we can photograph or make any recordings of your child. You will be asked to complete a Photography and Media consent form which will provide you with specific details about how we may use images of your child/children and enable you to give specific consent.

Conditions of School Use:

This form is valid indefinitely from the date you sign it. It is your responsibility to let us know if you want to change or withdraw your agreement at any time.

We will not re-use any photographs or recordings a year after your child leaves this school. Historic photographs will remain on our school website and social media platforms.

We, the school, will not use the personal details or full names (which means first name and surname) of any child in a photographic image on video, on our website, in our school prospectus or in any of our printed publications.

We will not include personal email, postal addresses, telephone numbers or fax numbers on video, on the website, in our school prospectus or in other printed publications.

If we use photographs of individual students, we will not use the name of that child in the accompanying text or photo caption, unless we have your consent.

If we name a student in the text, we will not use a photograph of that child to accompany the article, unless we have your consent.

We may use group or class photographs or footage with general labels, such as ‘a Science lesson’ or ‘Sports Day’.

We will only use images of students who are suitably dressed, to reduce the risk of such images being used inappropriately.

Websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in Cyprus where Cypriot and EU law applies.

Parent’s/Guardian’s consent will be recorded on the school’s Management Information System and will be retained no longer than is necessary for the purpose the data was obtained for. The paper copy will be retained on school file up to a year after your child leaves this school.

As the child’s Parents/Guardians, you agree that if you take photographs or video recordings of your child/Children which include other students, you will use these for personal and family use only and you will not post these on any personal social media accounts.

You understand that where consent has not been obtained from the other parents for any other use, you would be in breach of the Data Protection Act 2018 if you used the recordings for any other purpose.